2021 Report
ACP Physicians’ Financial Preparedness
15% Credit on Disability Insurance for Internists Extended to 2022
Thanks to program stability, continued favorable claims experience, and the exceptional health of members, the ACP Member Insurance Program approved extending a dividend credit of 15% on ACP Disability Income Insurance and ACP Business Overhead Expense Insurance plans. Business overhead expense insurance is designed for practice owners seeking additional coverage to keep their practice running should an injury or accident prevent them from working for an extended period.
The ACP Member Insurance Program also approved the continuation of a 20% credit on ACP Group Life Insurance plans, including 10-year and 20-year level term plans for the 2021/2022 policy year. The ACP Member Insurance Program has been offering discounts in the form of premium credits on member insurance bills for more than 20 years.
The credit on life insurance policies is also available for a member physician’s spouse, provided the amount of coverage does not exceed the physician’s level of protection.
ACP is offering internists and hospitalists quality insurance coverage from New York Life Insurance Company to help its members manage risk and protect their families throughout their lives and medical careers. Physicians should review their protection periodically.
For more information* about any of these policies, including the new QuickDecisionSM online tool for members under age 50, visit www.acpmemberinsurance.com. Physicians can also contact ACP Member Insurance Program, at 1-855-749-7908 for questions.
* Features, costs, eligibility, renewability, limitations and exclusions.
Underwritten by New York Life Insurance Company 51 Madison Avenue New York NY 10010 On Policy Form GMR
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